Facilitation and coordination of voluntary ESG-reporting for small, non-listed companies in Flanders
How to make it affordable, acceptable and positive for you to engage with?
Let’s find out together, and we can support by coordinating the development of your first ESG-reporting, created by you and your co-workers.
Both the creation as the output of this document will serve you in many qualitative ways:
It is a risk management tool to monitor the environment of your business
It answers to the change in costumer’s preferences to buy from suppliers that communicate transparently on their CSR
It increases your Shared Added Value for stakeholders and shareholders
It will ensure your competitive position in the market, since you are part of the Emission Scope 3 and maybe the CSDDD of your stakeholders
It will empower your position for recruitment and retention
It will create opportunities for new partnerships & collaborations
It will help your costumers to take a place in more sustainable world!
It will help your co-workers to take place in a more sustainable world!
It will help future generations to take place in a more sustainable world.
Step 1